03-skyMEMO-StreetAsTheater道は 舞台


3.11東日本大震災後7ヶ月過ぎた秋、南三陸町には58の仮設住宅 団地が設置された。くじ引きによって振り分けられた仮設住宅では、縁もゆかりもない人間同士が隣通しの暮らしをしはじめていた。震災以前にあった地縁集落を中心とした人たちがプレハブボックスの狭さや、冷たい素材の環境で生きる力のみで日々をすごしていた。そこには、これからの毎日の暮らしにどのような社会性をもてるのかという課題があった。



日本人にとって、「道」は人々が通う唯一の公共活動の場として昔から捉えられてきた。社会活動のかたちはこの線的空間で起こり、欧米で見られるプラザ、広場的な場とは異なる要素を持っている。 こうした線形の集合体としてコミュニティが形成された。従って、日本における公共空間は固定的な場所に根ざすというよりも、つねに流動的でフレキシブルなプブリックスペースとして今日にまで至ったてきている。ひと、もの、情報の交際の場であり、日本の道は仮設的で永久性をもたず、かつ瞬間的な代替性を保つ「舞台」であるといえるでしょう。

To learn more about Babadoru 5-chome:

Read The ‘Street’ and ‘Hiroba’ of Japan, an essay by Shun Kanda elaborating on the theme of street as theater.

Experiences and projects in the spirit of the theme Street as Theater, with more to come:

How have streets become places of self-expression and community? Submit your experiences through the contact page, Facebook, or with the hashtag #streetastheater. We will continue adding ideas as they come in.


Street as Theater

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Baabadoru 5-chome

Following the first months spent in emergency shelters, the survivors of the 3.11 Great East Japan Disaster were transferred to one of fifty-eight temporary housing sites located across Minamisanriku. Selected by the town hall-administered lottery process, residents were often separated from their own family members, living next to strangers sometimes from long-standing rival fishing villages.

Two four-and-a-half tatami mat sized rooms for living and sleeping, with an entry area shared by the bathroom and kitchen space, comprised each household unit – cramped, inhospitable places totally deprived of privacy. Among the two dozen repeating, anonymous alleyways between the rows of housing units in the Heisei-no-Mori housing site, Row 5 stood out. There in the middle of the narrow alley, a bench and picnic table was placed by adjacent residents, serving as a much needed gathering place.

As Mrs. Hatakeyama explained, “The hours spent inside our rooms were filled by sadness and self-remorse, having lost our loved ones from the tsunami. I sat around just crying all the time. Now there is a place to step outside and socialize, make jokes, meet new friends, and help each other.” We named this little place our “Baabadoru 5-chome.”

To learn more about Babadoru 5-chome:

Read The ‘Street’ and ‘Hiroba’ of Japan, an essay by Shun Kanda elaborating on the theme of street as theater.

Experiences and projects in the spirit of the theme Street as Theater, with more to come:

How have streets become places of self-expression and community? Submit your experiences through the contact page, Facebook, or with the hashtag #streetastheater. We will continue adding ideas as they come in.



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